Community Management

Five key social media pillars that all charities should embrace

Charities have an advantage over regular brands on social media.

They have a passionate, emotionally connected supporter base at their fingertips, ready to sing their praises.

However that doesn’t mean success is guaranteed, far from it. With organic reach squeezed and thousands of brands clambering for space on your newsfeed, it’s getting harder and harder to engage the people that matter.

How to use social media to build a teaser campaign

Consumers have moved beyond traditional forms of engagement and they have much higher expectations towards brands to amuse and entertain them. 

Marketers are taking notice of this by going beyond the traditional and merging creativity with social media. 

Six ways to woo influencers to support your cause

Getting the right influencers on-side can give any social campaign a massive boost.

The past week saw a 2,119% growth in referral traffic from Twitter to the Prostate Cancer UK website. The trigger: a simple tweet from Stephen Fry.

20+ Instagram stats marketers need to know

It is my intention to write a few posts focusing on brands doing great work on Instagram, but first I feel it’s worth rounding up a few stats to show why it’s such an important social network.

There are a huge number of stats out there on Instagram usage, most of which are now inaccurate as the app’s audience is growing so quickly.

Nine of the best social campaigns from October 2014

It’s nearly November so it’s time to go on a whistle stop tour of the best social campaigns we’ve seen in the past month.

Before you ask, there is zero proof of ROI in this post. That’s not what we’re here for.

I’m merely trying to highlight cool and interesting social campaigns that have emerged in the month of October.

Read on to find out what we’ve seen, or for more on this topic check out my similar posts from August and September