Email and eCRM - Econsultancy's Internet Statistics Database

What is CRM and why do you need it?

When people in marketing talk about CRM, they typically mean one of two things: the practice of CRM, which stands for customer relationship management; or CRM systems, the platforms that enable marketers to carry out customer relationship management. The two are pretty closely linked, as if you’re considering improving or building a strategy for CRM […]

Learning from Chinese retail in the coronavirus crisis

There has been a growing awareness in the west in recent years that we should look to China for the digital trends of the future, as it has become increasingly apparent that Chinese use of the internet, technology, ecommerce, social media and more is leagues ahead of ours.


Three key marketing skills for 2017

Nowadays, marketers need to know so many systems, platforms, formats, and channels that it can be tough to keep up. 

As we can’t be researching everything all the time, it is important to ‘park’ some skills while training up on others. As an example, a marketing team may decide to hold steady with their AdWords strategy while spending time and effort on improving how they approach social media.

The five steps to an effective and repeatable sales process

A repeatable and effective sales process is key to scalable business growth, and it’s a much more straightforward endeavour than you might imagine. 

Growing a business is hard, but fortunately, designing a uniform sales process doesn’t have to be.

Depending on social networks for your CRM? Time for a rethink

The latest social network to announce a move away from a reverse chronological timeline is Instagram, impacting its 14m UK users.

Many of these snap happy bloggers are in uproar – one petition has already attracted hundreds of thousands of protesters. But what about advertisers?

Is this a further nail in the sequential social storytelling coffin? Is this bad news for all but brands with the largest followings?