What percentage are businesses planning to increase their ecommerce investments by, on average, globally? How many consumers have interacted with chatbots on their mobile phones while using an ecommerce site? What do cart abandonment rates look like for each sector?

These are just some of the questions answered by the data included in Econsultancy’s Ecommerce Statistics Compendium, a collection of the most recent statistics and market data publicly available on online marketing, ecommerce, the internet and related digital media, all drawn from Econsultancy’s Internet Statistics Database.

If you need to quickly pull together some stats on add-to-cart rates for desktop or mobile, are investigating the utility of chatbots for dealing with customer queries, or want to know how Walmart performs against Amazon on Prime Day, search the Ecommerce Statistics Compendium for evidence to support your case. Examples of findings in the compendium include:

  • Average page views and bounce rates by country and region.
  • Mobile shopping habits, including social commerce, adopted by millennials, and how comfortable they feel messaging retailers.
  • How page load speeds can make the difference between a consumer abandoning an ecommerce site, or staying to shop.
  • How global events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis have impacted shoppers’ spending habits in the US.
  • The security issues that may have an impact on small- and medium-sized businesses, including phishing, ransomware and offline backups.

These are the figures behind the most important trends in ecommerce. They have been collated from information available to the public and sorted by sector and topic – we’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to.

The statistics featured in this report form part of Econsultancy’s Internet Statistics Database, a collection of more than 10,000 searchable charts, statistics and market data that can be filtered by region, sector and topic.