
marketers guide to chatbots

A Marketer’s Guide to Chatbots

1. Introduction 1.1. Executive summary Chatbots have seen a rise in popularity over the last few years, with the cost of implementing the technology going down and the curiosity around AI taking off. Nevertheless, the definitions around what a chatbot is and what a chatbot can do are still blurred. For the purpose of this […]

Eight things your chatbot should never do

Chatbots have been massively hyped up over the past couple of years. Some people have suggested the technology will eradicate the use of apps, while others have claimed they will entirely eliminate customer service jobs.

But what does the average user really think of brand bots? 


Five examples of charity chatbots

Whether used to entertain or as a tool for customer service – a wide range of brands (from a variety of industries) have experimented with chatbot technology. 

When it comes to new innovations in technology, the third sector typically often lags behind others. This is understandable, of course, as with greater financial challenges, investment can be a daunting prospect. 

Why fashion and beauty brands are still betting on chatbots

Chatbots have gone in and out of favour during the past couple of years. First touted as the ‘next big thing’ for marketing, many brand examples have since died a death due to the tech lacking sophistication or failing to provide any real relevance for consumers.

That being said, the fashion and beauty industries still appear attached to the concept, with many more brands launching AI-powered chatbots in the past year or so.