
Realising the potential of mobile analytics [infographic]

We know the path to purchase is becoming increasingly fractured, with consumers jumping from online to offline and across a multitude of devices.

However, in order to improve this increasingly complex customer journey, it’s vital for marketing measurement to also evolve.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2016 ecommerce stats bonanza

We’ve got an extra treat for you this week, in the form of a blockbuster Black Friday stats special.

Don’t worry, there is also the usual roundup to come, but in the mean time here’s some interesting findings from the biggest shopping event of the year.

Five compelling reasons to offer free Wi-Fi in-store

I recently discovered Anthropologie has Wi-Fi in its London Regent Street store.

While this might seem like an insignificant detail, it meant I spent a lot longer in there than I planned, which then resulted in me spending far more money than I should have.