Behavioural targeting

An overview of the third-party cookie crackdown

In March 2021, Google announced on its Ads & Commerce blog that it was “Charting a course towards a more privacy-first web”. The blog post was a re-affirmation of Google’s commitment, first revealed in January 2020, to remove support for third-party tracking cookies in Chrome from 2022, and contained further details about how it plans […]

A brief history of artificial intelligence in advertising

Somewhere in a sleepy North London suburb, a shopkeeper ritualistically opened his daily newspaper.

Eyeing the weather report, he moved a bin of black umbrellas to the front of the store, just inside the door where they could easily be seen by customers needing a quick respite from the approaching rain. The year is 1861 and a weather forecast, first published in London’s daily newspaper The Times, had likely influenced the purchase of an umbrella or two.

Six big retargeting mistakes marketers should avoid

Retargeting can be an incredibly powerful weapon in the digital marketer’s arsenal. For some marketers, it consistently produces one of the highest ROIs of all digital campaigns.

But even so, many marketers make mistakes that can reduce the efficacy of their retargeting campaigns. Here is a look at six of the biggest.

Facebook will soon require marketers to confirm they have user consent for Custom Audiences

The long-term effects of Facebook’s ongoing data abuse crisis are still unclear, but one of the most popular and powerful tools Facebook offers marketers could be changing as a result.

According to reports that have since been confirmed by Facebook, the social media giant is planning to require that marketers using Custom Audiences certify to Facebook that they have obtained consent from the individuals whose data they provide to Facebook.

Will digital phenotyping ever be applied to pharma marketing?

The landscape for pharma marketing is changing rapidly and pharma companies are being forced to rethink how and to whom they market.

For example, it’s now reasonable to talk about the possibility of a pharma company shunning sales reps entirely and instead using digital channels to reach healthcare professionals and patients directly – an approach that probably would have seemed unthinkable less than a decade ago.