Reputation management

The growing politicization of brands in a polarized world

From Brexit to the US presidential election, it would seem that we are living in one of the most politically-focused and politically-polarized times in recent memory.

Increasingly, the political discourse is finding its way into the brand world. Or, to be more accurate, brands are joining the political discourse.

The anatomy of a good response to a negative online review

Large numbers of consumers turn to online reviews when evaluating products and services, so it’s no surprise that many businesses take them very seriously.

While some employ questionable tactics for dealing with negative reviews, ranging from legal threats and lawsuits to customer insults, there are good ways to make lemonade out of lemons when customers complain about your business online.

Twitter announces application process for verified accounts: what marketers need to know

Twitter has for years offered verified accounts, which help brands and public figures establish the authenticity of their accounts and access additional features, including special filters and opt-out from group Direct Messages.

Previously, verification was offered to select brands and public figures, and there was no official way for those not selected by Twitter to request verification.

That changed this week.